an open notebook with a wooden pencil placed on it

Your Story

I remember

Tell us your little story related to the places of the travel posters and receive the relative postcard and and a special sticker.

Feel free to share it directly on social media platforms by tagging us and using #thetravelposter

  • “I remember when I met my wife online, she told her mother as a joke that we had met by chance on the old bridge in Heidelberg.”

    Heidelberg, Bridge Gate

  • “I remember when we moved to Stuttgart, the Weissenhofsiedlung was one of the first places we visited on a rainy Sunday afternoon.”

    Stuttgart, Weissenhof

  • “On the bank of the Neckarinsel in Tübingen I remember my son circling with his balance bike around the walkers, lifting his feet off the ground, proud to show off his agility.”

    Tübingen, Neckar

  • “I remember in the first days of spring the colors of the flowered alleys of the Schlossplatz”

    Stuttgart, Schlossplatz

Write your story to receive your goodies

As inspiration, “I remember” in the style of Georges Perec